We are delighted to invite you to the upcoming webinar titled “A New Paradigm for Assessment for 21st Century skills.” During this event, Professor Sandra Milligan, Executive Director of Melbourne Assessment (MA) at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, will share new generation approaches to difficult to assess areas (21st century skills, agency in learning) and reporting on student learning. This event is open to all. Please feel free to circulate to your own networks.
Date and Time:
Monday, 24th July 2023 from 13:30pm – 14:45pm (GMT+7/Bangkok time).
Professor Sandra Milligan is Executive Director of Melbourne Assessment (MA), a research based social enterprise within the University of Melbourne that works with schools and authorities to transform the way we assess and report on student learning. She and her team have, over the last decade, developed scalable, robust methods and tools that enable teachers to assess and report on learning in difficult to assess areas of the curriculum, like the general capabilities, 21st Century skills, agency in learning, and more. In this presentation she will explain new metrics for learning are being established that capture the full range of ambitions for learning, using next generation assessment methods that focus on the development of competence, not just knowledge or compliance to tested requirements. These assessments are used to generate next-generation credentials which provide a trusted profile of a learner, allowing them to showcase what they are truly capable of, including their successes, across the full range of valued learning. Her work has been instrumental in current initiatives to rethink the sufficiency of metrics like PISA and other standardised tests, arguing that if used on their own, they narrow the gaze of teachers and learners to what is examinable by the old methods. The next generation approaches broaden the focus and reflect more of what we think is important for learners in their 12 years of schooling.
Enterprise Professor Sandra Milligan is Executive Director of Melbourne Assessment at the Melbourne Graduate School of Education, University of Melbourne. Sandra has an unusually wide engagement with the education industry and in educational research. Originally a teacher of science and mathematics, she is also a former Director of Curriculum in an Australian state education department and has held senior research, management and governance positions in a range of educational organisations, including government agencies, not-for-profits, small start-up businesses and large, listed, international corporations. Sandra’s current research interests focus on assessment, recognition and warranting of hard-to-assess learning. She directs several research partnerships with school networks and organisations working to develop Learner Profiles for their students. She is lead author of Future Proofing Australian Students with New Credentials report, outlining methods to reliably assess and recognise the level of attainment of general capabilities, and of Report 1: Recognition of learning success for all.
Registration link: https://unesco-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_imcF-xLWSFeLOr7X6Z-jCA