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Joint Webinar on COVID-19 Response: Quality Learning and Assessments During the COVID-19 Pandemic Thursday 28 May 2020, 10:00-12:00 hrs. by SEAMEO and the Asia-Pacific TWG on Education 2030+

This webinar is a joint collaboration between SEAMEO and the Asia-Pacific TWG on Education 2030+ on COVID-19 Response focusing on quality learning and assessments in times of crises, this joint webinar is organised with the aims to:

  1. Capture the latest impact of COVID-19 on quality learning and assessment systems;
  2. Provide snapshots of the strategies to manage high stakes examinations during crisis conditions; and
  3. Discuss recommendations and opportunities for improving learning and assessment systems during and post COVID-19 pandemic

This joint webinar is timely as it provides a platform for key education stakeholders to share updates on local and national policy responses to the education crisis due to the impact of COVID-19. The discussions may include topics from school-based assessment to high-stakes examinations and large-scale learning assessments in times of crises.

For more detail of this webinar, please click the Concept Note.


Youtube Livestream link:

The followings are most recent SEAMEO Webinar Series:

  • Webinar 1: Emotional and Psychosocial Health during COVID-19 Pandemic / 29 April 2020 / 10AM (Bangkok Time):
  • Webinar 2: Learning Continues:  Making Distance Learning, Open Education Resources and Online Resources Matter during COVID -19 Education Disruption / 30 April 2020 / 10AM (Bangkok Time):
  • Webinar 3: Learning and Mobility in Lockdown: Snapshots of COVID-19 Effects on Student Mobility and Exchange / 07 May 2020 / 10AM (Bangkok Time):
  • Webinar 4: Resilience and Connectivity During COVID-19 Outbreak: Snapshots of Good Practices / 14 May 2020 / 10AM (Bangkok Time):