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Webinar 4: UNESCO’s COVID-19 Educational Response on “Managing high-stakes exams and assessments during the Covid-19 pandemic” – Thursday 9 April 2020 (13h00 – 14h30 GMT+2)

Webinar Serie 4th by UNESCO Headquarter in Paris.

Pleased to invite you to UNESCO’s COVID-19 Educational Response Webinar 4 on Managing high-stakes exams and assessments during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Webinar will take place on Thursday 9 April 2020 (13h00 – 14h30 GMT+2)  and feature country experiences from around the world.

This webinar aims, among others, to share information and facilitate peer learning about how governments are planning for and/or coping with assessment issues, especially high-stakes exams in the context of prolonged and massive school and university closure and a shift to distance learning.

More information on the webinar is available in the attached concept note, including the link to join which is:

Technical instructions for connecting to the webinar are linked below, if required.

Questions about this webinar can be directed to Le Thu Huong (

This is the fourth in UNESCO’s webinar series. The presentations from previous webinars can be downloaded here: Webinars on COVID-19 education response.

Webinar 1: Ensuring Equity in Remote Learning Responses to School Closures

Webinar 2: Supporting Teachers to Maintain Continuity of Learning During School Closures

Webinar 3: Addressing the Gender Dimensions of School Closures

Webinar 4: Managing High-Stakes Exams and Assessments during the Pandemic

Please also visit our Education Global Coalition webpage for information regarding UNESCO and partners actions:

Concept Note and Agenda

Technical Instructions and Requirements

Article Summary