In 2019, the Network on Education Quality Monitoring in the Asia-Pacific (NEQMAP) introduced and produced the first in a series of ‘thematic reviews’, which provide the opportunity for the network and its members to strengthen the knowledge base in specific thematic areas related to learning outcomes and learning assessments. The three thematic reviews in 2019 focused on Inclusion and Equity and explored how existing education policies and practices in the Asia-Pacific region, especially in the areas of learning assessments, address the issues of: gender equity, children with disabilities, and students with diverse linguistic backgrounds.
The Network on Education Quality Monitoring in the Asia-Pacific (NEQMAP) is calling for 2020 Thematic Reviews on Learning Assessments in Emergencies and Crises. In a very short period of time, the Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on education systems worldwide. It is estimated that over 1.5 billion students in 191 countries are out of school due to school closure. Many countries are postponing, rescheduling or altogether cancelling examinations and other standardized assessments to mitigate further risks. Also, change in education delivery and setting (e.g. the shift to remote/distance learning through TV, Radio, Satellite, online learning platforms, home-based learning, etc.) in responding to the crisis.
Following the current educational disruption, NEQMAP aims to address the specific issues, gaps and questions related to learning assessments in times of crises and what education systems can do to ensure the continuity of quality learning. It is also important to explore how countries cope with education in emergencies to ensure accountability and transparency of learning results through diverse teaching and learning modalities outside of conventional school settings.

NEQMAP will publish two (2) NEQMAP Thematic Reviews on “Learning Assessments in Emergencies and Crises” to explore how countries in Asia-Pacific ensure quality learning assessment systems in times of education disruption. Each review will cover one of the topics listed below:
- High-stakes examinations, standardized tests and large scale learning assessments in times of emergencies and crises
- Formative assessments and school based assessment (SBA) in times of emergencies and crises
NEQMAP Secretariat is currently working in collaboration with the network members as well as external partners on ‘voluntary contributions’ in preparing these two (2) studies. The reviews will be published and shared later this year. The presentation of the reviews would be either at the NEQMAP’s Annual Meeting or via a webinar. More information and update will be posted again.
For reference, here is the concept note of the reviews: NEQMAP 2020 Thematic Reviews on Learning Assessments in Emergencies and Crises.