The aim of this paper is to provide new evidence on the types of inputs that matter to improving educational outcomes by documenting educational inputs across economies, using a scoring system that attempts to capture quality dimensions. The authors undertook a systematic documentation of 171 indicators on basic and secondary educational inputs covering 69 economies. They then analyzed indicators that are significantly correlated with higher levels of learning outcomes. According to the learning outcomes measured by an economy’s average test score on the PISA or TIMSS test at age 15, it was found that only six key inputs are associated with higher learning outcomes: (1) gross enrollment in secondary school; (2) targeted public information that reveals student gaps; (3) strategic budgeting that provides programs for at-risk students; (4) teacher quality that ensures wages are high and incentives are aligned with learning outcomes; (5) information collection that enables timely, data-driven decision-making; (6) curriculum content that is matched to student skills.
Author(s): Natalie Chun and Elisabetta Gentile
Year Published: 2020
Language: English
Country: Philippines