In the six years since its inception in 2013, the Network on Education Quality Monitoring in the Asia-Pacific (NEQMAP) has become a leading network in the Asia-Pacific region and gained recognition for its knowledge sharing, capacity development and research activities in the area of learning assessment. As the Network grew and expanded, it was time to review and evaluate the Network’s activities. The NEQMAP Programme Evaluation was carried out by Dr. Jyothi Mirle Achutarao in 2019 to assess the network’s effectiveness, relevance, and sustainability against its stated goals and objectives. The findings in this report were presented at the 2019 NEQMAP Annual Meeting, and provided valuable inputs for the development of the NEQMAP Strategy 2020 – 2024 document.
Author(s): Jyothi Mirle Achutarao
Year Published: 2020
Language: English
Country: Asia-Pacific