As governments and donors focused on increasing access in the wake of the Millennium Development Goals, the issue of learning received comparatively little concerted attention. Some organizations working in countries where access was rapidly increasing took notice of the fact that, while rising enrollment rates were being celebrated, there was little evidence of whether or not learning was taking place. One of the results of this realization was the emergence of the citizen-led assessment movement, initiated by Pratham in India in 2005. The movement is an attempt by civil-society organizations to gather evidence on learning and use it for two main purposes: first, to increase awareness of low learning outcomes and second, to stimulate actions that are intended to address the learning gap. |
Author(s): Molly Jamieson Eberhardt et all
Year Published: 2015
Language: English
Country: The United States of America
Download: https://neqmap.bangkok.unesco.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Bringing-Learning-to-Light_English.pdf