In this small-scale study, eight countries in Asia contributed material from their national- and classroom-based tests to be reviewed as potential resources for the assessment of transversal competencies. The study builds upon previous studies undertaken by country research groups organized within the Education Research Institutes Network in the Asia-Pacific (ERI-Net) and the Network on Education Quality Monitoring in the Asia-Pacific (NEQMAP), both regional networks coordinated by UNESCO Bangkok. The current study was launched under the banner of NEQMAP with the goal of collecting and examining the existing tools used by countries/jurisdictions in the region that might assess transversal competencies. Examples of tools from countries are presented and discussed in terms of how they currently inform, or might be adapted to inform, teachers about student skills. The contributions from the researchers highlight the preparedness of countries to identify opportunities in their current curricular and assessment resources to support the shifting education goals of many countries in the Asia region. The potential of the resources described in this report draw attention to the understanding of educators in the region of the need to align curricular goals with both pedagogical strategies and assessment resources and approaches.
Author(s): Esther Care, Alvin Vista, and Helyn Kim
Year Published: 2019
Language: English
Country: Thailand