Pembelajaran Berbasis Inkuiri di Sekolah
Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Profesionalisme
Guru dan Tenaga Kependidikan IPA (Inquiry-Based Learning in Schools As an Effort to Increase Professionalism Science Teachers and Education Personnel)
This series of research activities carried out for nine months began with selection of submissions proposals to research reports and seminars by 2017 Research Grant recipients.
This proceeding contains research results from the winners of the 2017 Research Grant and is published with the intention that the results of the research of the recipients of this Research Grant can be disseminated to those who are wider. It is hoped that this proceeding can become a reference for educators and staff education to improve research activities and improve the quality of learning and teaching Science.
Author(s): Prof. Triyanta, Ph.D.
Year Published: 2017
Language: Others
Country: Indonesia