In the past twelve years (1997-2009), Brunei Darussalam has implemented three major educational policies: (1) inclusive education, in 1998; (2) the National Education System for the 21st Century known in Malay as Sistem Pendidikan Negara Abad 21 or SPN21, 2008; and (3) education for the gifted / talented students, 2009. These changes are partly designed to diversify and broaden the provision of education and the development of the country’s human resources. However the success of these reforms will depend on many factors such as the suitability of the teachers, availability of funds, quality of schools, and changes in examinations. A content analysis of the skills measured by current school examinations and a needs assessment research to reform the present school evaluation procedures were recommended to gain in-depth insights. |
Author(s): L. MUNDIA
Year Published: 2010
Language: English
Country: Brunei Darussalam
Download: https://neqmap.bangkok.unesco.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/4739-18499-1-PB.pdf