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A Conceptual Framework for Competencies Assessment

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There can be no denying the influence of competencies on the development of the school and its curricula. The school and its stakeholders must therefore be tooled to be able to handle this novelty: conducting learning processes in terms of competencies, but also assessing learners in terms of competencies. This article emphasizes competencies assessment, particularly in a comprehensive curriculum vision, attempting to articulate all the facets of a school cursus for all. It begins by situating the contribution of competencies in the world of the school: Where do they come from? What do they bring? What is their future? It then shows how several conceptions of competency have come to exist side by side. The article finally addresses the general problem of competencies assessment, both generic and situational competencies, by showing the methodologies specific to each type to be mobilized for assessment, and the difficulties facing stakeholders when it comes to assessing both categories. In conclusion, it marks out a few new paths to follow for assessing competencies.

Author(s): Xavier Roegiers

Year Published: 2016

Language: English

Country: France
